Conversion Packs
Standard conversion packs
These packs contain everything necessary to convert proprietary models to 'OO' Fine scale, E.M. and 18.83, unless otherwise stated. Depending on design of the model, some packs have completely assembled or partially assembled wheel sets.
Double drive conversion packs
These are conversion packs for those who wish to have two powered bogies in the model. These are available only as complete sets, not individual axles or bogies. These packs contain everything necessary to convert proprietary models to 'OO' Fine scale, E.M. and 18.83, unless otherwise stated. Depending on design of the model, some packs have completely assembled or partially assembled wheel sets.
Dapol loco's
Additional Information/Options:
- Product Specific Information/Options can be seen by clicking on the product description.
Hornby loco's
Conversion Usage:
- Hornby 4 axle pack 'A' (class 91, class 25, class 21/29 & class 35 'Hymek')
- Hornby 4 axle pack 'B' (class 86 Electric & class 90)
- Hornby 4 axle pack 'C' (D.M.U., H.S.T. & A.P.T.)
- Hornby 4 axle pack 'D' (B.R. Twin rail bus class 142)
- Hornby 6 axle pack 'A' (class 52 'Western', class 47, class 37 & class 92)
- Hornby 6 axle pack 'B' (class 58)
Additional Information/Options:
- Product Specific Information/Options can be seen by clicking on the product description.
Hornby double drive
Conversion Usage:
- Hornby 4 axle pack 'A' (class 91, class 25, class 29 & class 35 'Hymek')
- Hornby 4 axle pack 'B' (class 86 Electric & class 90)
- Hornby 4 axle pack 'C' (D.M.U., H.S.T. & A.P.T.)
- Hornby 6 axle pack 'A' (class 52 'Western', class 47, class 37 & class 92)
- Hornby 6 axle pack 'B' (class 58)
Additional Information/Options:
- Product Specific Information/Options can be seen by clicking on the product description.
Lima diesel loco's
Conversion Usage:
- Lima 4 axle pack 'A' (D.M.U., H.S.T., Rail car, Parcel express, class 73 & class 121 'Bubble car')
- Lima 4 axle pack 'B' (class 33, class 42 'Warship', Class 87 Electric, class 26 & class 27)
- Lima 6 axle pack 'A' (class 55 'Deltic' & class 50)
- Lima 6 axle pack 'B' (class 52 'Western', class 37, class 47, class 31, class 60, class 66, class 59 & class 92)
Additional Information/Options:
- Product Specific Information/Options can be seen by clicking on the product description.
Lima double drive
Conversion Usage:
- Lima 4 axle pack 'A' (D.M.U., H.S.T., Rail car, Parcel express, class 73 & class 121 'Bubble car')
- Lima 4 axle pack 'B' (class 33, class 42 'Warship', Class 87 Electric, class 26 & class 27)
- Lima 6 axle pack 'A' (class 55 'Deltic' & class 50)
- Lima 6 axle pack 'B' (class 52 'Western', class 37, class 47, class 31, class 60, class 66, class 59 & class 92)
Additional Information/Options:
- Product Specific Information/Options can be seen by clicking on the product description.